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Preparing Documents for an Overseas Trip

 The biggest surprise of traveling abroad for the first time is the necessary documentation. It is important to make a list and check it with the travel agent or experienced friend or family member.

Your list will include at least the following:
We saw;
Coupons for trips, hotels, transfers;
E-tickets for airlines;
Travel insurance document and emergency card with telephone assistance;
Medical details * From your personal doctor;
Medical prescriptions;
Credit and other cards you may need.

  • This should include your previous medical history and details of your medication in the event of an emergency social episode.
    Once you have the list and have received documents from the travel agency or travel provider, it’s time to make three copies.

The first is that you should use during the trip.
The other is in reserve stored in another suitcase or with your partner.
The last copy is given to a family member or a good friend.
These copies of the documents must include copies of the first page of your passport, as well as copies of the required visas.
To help you prepare for the trip, make a list of your personal items you need for the trip, including clothing, medications and so on.

It is important that your family is aware of your travel arrangements.

Send details about the trip to all family members.
Provide details of the travel agent and tour operator (s) to an older family member, including phone numbers and email addresses.
Include the addresses and contact information of all accommodations.
Make a list of phone numbers and email addresses in your residential areas for the family.
Make a list of phone numbers and email addresses for your family for use or just to report to the family during the trip or for emergencies.
For your information, you should bring a list of passwords for your own use. A bank account, credit card and websites you may need to travel. Keep them in a safe place for your person.
Make sure you pay for all your regular home and other expenses while you are away during the trip.

Finally, have all your documents with you in your attachment bag.
