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Budging for Your First Overseas Trip

      As the first tourist abroad, we found our most difficult decision after all the planning was done on our trip as our travel agency had to decide how much money we needed for the trip. This article explains how we proceeded to determine the amount of currency we are going to buy.

      Being guided on our first trip abroad meant that most of our expenses were spent. We only needed a budget for our free time meals, souvenirs, gifts, and other activities that we might be advised to try. We also felt we needed access to emergency funds.

      We have found that there are websites that provide cost information for things that most people need daily, including food, meal costs, coffee, and so on. But before you start using them, you need to find out what meals you need, what refreshments you may need, what you want to buy as souvenirs or gifts and what other expenses you may have.

      Since you are guided to cut down on food costs, make the trip your main meal. (Some travelers have often taken items from these meals, put them in dog bags and used them as a meal on the go or while traveling in an area in the Outback where there are probably few places to eat. prevent waste).

      Use your itinerary and get away from the meals you have to pay for. Decide what type of meal you are buying. Now go to the websites that outline the cost for each city you will visit. They can often be valued in local currency. You must therefore convert these costs into your own currency. Again, there are websites that show current rates. In some countries, you may need to include taxes and/or fees. Add 10% to the total as preparedness.

      Now you can look at other things you could buy and special excursions that you could accept. Check their costs and add them to your budget.

      Take a look at the currencies you will use to decide which currency registers you could use. In countries where change is expected (e. g. U. S. A. A. ), many small denominations can be made to facilitate this. You will also be surprised at the ‘numerical value’ of some currencies.

      If your trip covers different countries with different currencies, you should separate your costs.

      Remember to include travel insurance in the cost as well as emergency funds. These emergency funds could be included on credit cards such as cash passports.

      The only other question that might arise is what do you do with the change you left at the end of the trip before you go home. If you have made a good budget then there will be little left. This can be put in a charity box at many airports. If you have a considerable amount left, I suggest you plan your budget as you have a list of items that you could buy from the free customs at the airport on the last day.

      Finally, all the money you left in your passport in cash and so on. can be there to convert into the next currency for your next trip abroad.
